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Gurudev, you are the doer!

If you are searching for a Guru to guide you toward the liberation of your soul, how will you know who is your true Guru? How can you be sure that he is the one meant for you? When you search with an intense longing, with the mindset of "I know nothing; I need to know," you will undoubtedly find the person to whom you can offer your love and devotion.

The Real Purpose of Practising Kriya

Kriyabans must strengthen their belief that their birth, like everything else, is in accordance with the will of the Creator. Many kriyabans express that despite practicing Kriya daily, they struggle to feel motivated or inspired. However, it is important to understand that Kriya is not simply a tool for personal fulfillment or liberation. Rather, as Sri Aurobindo said, it is "an effort to bring divine power, light, and consciousness into you, and to elevate yourself to a superhuman state."

The Path to Self-Realization Through Kriya Yoga

Practice Kriya. Strive to ascend from your current state of being to higher levels of consciousness. If your efforts remain sincere and unwavering, your Guru will undoubtedly guide and support you. God assures us that He listens to the prayers of all beings and responds to each one, though not everyone is able to perceive His response. Therefore, it is essential to rise from the gross, material state of living to a more subtle, spiritual state.

The Path of Humility in Kriya Yoga

Gurudeva often advised, “Those of you practicing higher Kriya should strive to maintain humility.” A true Kriya practitioner, through their thoughts and ideals, becomes an example for future disciples who join the Kriya lineage. When people see you, they should be able to recognize what it means to be in good company.

Heart Chakra