Practice Kriya. Strive to ascend from your current state of being to higher levels of consciousness. If your efforts remain sincere and unwavering, your Guru will undoubtedly guide and support you. God assures us that He listens to the prayers of all beings and responds to each one, though not everyone is able to perceive His response. Therefore, it is essential to rise from the gross, material state of living to a more subtle, spiritual state.
You will receive as much help as you put in effort. Just as a machine is composed of numerous small parts that are meticulously crafted and arranged to work in harmony, each part assisting the others, when one component is activated, the entire machine functions as a whole. In the same way, when a person’s prayers or aarti reach God, He responds naturally, offering His assistance. The process is as sure as it is inevitable.
However, if you wish to ascend spiritually, you must free yourself from worldly worries. Simply desiring freedom from these concerns is not enough; true liberation comes when you transcend them. Once you rise above these burdens, sorrows naturally dissolve, and you enter a state of peace. This state leads to the ultimate blessing of spiritual practice—Samadhi, the state where all doubts are resolved, and true understanding dawns.
In the early stages of ascension, the sense organs (indriyas) may create obstacles, but once Samadhi is achieved, these same senses will aid the practitioner in their descent back to the material world, now with newfound clarity and purpose. With firm determination and the right mindset, the doors to self-realization—Atma Uplobdhi—will surely open for you.