Gurudeva often advised, “Those of you practicing higher Kriya should strive to maintain humility.” A true Kriya practitioner, through their thoughts and ideals, becomes an example for future disciples who join the Kriya lineage. When people see you, they should be able to recognize what it means to be in good company.
In your journey, you'll notice that the hardships of worldly life can be overcome with ease. This purity will naturally flow into your life, and you will progress without the need for extraordinary efforts. The greatest obstacle on the path of Kriya is the ego. Thoughts such as, "I practice higher Kriyas," "My Kriya is better than others'," or "I hold a special place in Gurudeva's eyes" are manifestations of ego. Even if one practices Kriya, these ego-driven thoughts can lead a seeker astray from the spiritual path.
The best way to dissolve ego is through constant remembrance of the Guru. When you remain in remembrance of the Guru, you realize that you are not confined to yourself; rather, you are in a higher state. The deeper you immerse yourself in this thought, the more you free yourself from worldly distractions, allowing purity to enter your life. As a result, the path of spiritual progress becomes easier.
Life, in essence, is the continuous act of breathing in and out, which reflects our attachment to the physical body. To free yourself from this attachment, you must either remain in constant remembrance of the Guru or learn to focus your attention in Kootastha, the spiritual eye.
Enlightened beings, though capable of staying in a constant state of bliss, must descend from the super-conscious level when they exist in this world. When they engage with the impurities of worldly life, they too face challenges. However, because they dwell in Supreme consciousness, these challenges quickly dissolve in their non-dual state.
We often regard individuals as "Godly" when they display supernatural powers. However, these powers are a natural byproduct of one-pointed devotion to God; they do not require any special effort. Evolved souls, through their deep spiritual insight, can simply observe the life energy of those who come to them and discern where each person is stuck on their spiritual journey. With this understanding, they guide seekers with appropriate advice, leading them towards knowledge and liberation.
When you comprehend the boundaries of matter and consciousness, you will begin to understand the concepts of 'Para' (higher knowledge) and 'Apara' (lower knowledge). As your spiritual practice deepens, the day will come when you realize your subtle body, made of light. You will then be able to leave your gross physical body at will and travel elsewhere, recognizing that the gross body is merely a foundation. Those who have reached this state can appear in different forms in multiple places simultaneously.
Ultimately, real power lies in the knowledge of the self. The permanent realization that God exists brings true strength. When this realization becomes constant, power naturally follows.