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Kriya Yoga has different stages, generally divided into seven main Kriyas. Different yogis, sadhaks, and practitioners have varying experiences during their sadhana (Kriya), which may differ from one individual to another. Here, I would like to share my own experience, which took place in 1986.

I was practicing pranayama during the First Kriya. Suddenly, Apana (the downward-moving energy) left its place and became joined with Prana (the upward-moving energy). After this union, Prana and Apana moved together (with the help of pranayama practiced at the First level of Kriya) up and down 4 to 5 times.

By my fourth pranayama, my mind was astonished to witness this phenomenon of the integrated ascent and descent of Prana and Apana from my Navel Centre. Then, with a sudden jolt, my mind also became attached to them, and my breathing stopped. After that, I felt no hindrance in ascending to higher chakras. I crossed all the chakra centers and reached my destination.

Although I am just a common Kriya practitioner, I firmly believe that whatever experiences I have had are entirely due to the grace of Babaji and my Guru Baba. I must emphasize that the grace of the Guru is of utmost importance. A Kriya practitioner (Kriyaban) who diligently practices these kriyas will always be under the watchful eyes of the Gurus or masters. When there is a need, the grace automatically reaches the practitioner. Through one’s own hard work and the Guru’s grace, a sadhak attains their goal.

Therefore, my advice to all Kriyabans is to practice Kriya diligently and with full honesty. Avoid becoming lethargic in your practice. Moreover, you must have complete faith in Kriya. In Kriya Yoga, there are no strict restrictions on food habits for Kriyabans, but it is beneficial to avoid non-vegetarian food if possible.

Alcohol, however, is forbidden for Kriyabans. If you were drinking previously, you should gradually reduce the habit and eventually give it up. I mention this because, in order to attain higher stages of sadhana, one needs to have a calm mind. Non-vegetarian foods and alcohol tend to stimulate the mind, which is not conducive to Sadhana.


Mukesh Kumar Thakur
March 17, 2018, at 9:22 am
I am very grateful to all who made the book available for me.

April 16, 2018, at 2:11 pm
Please, is it possible to buy the book in English from you?
I live in Italy.
Thank you.

Vikrama Aditya Tomar
May 15, 2018, at 7:57 am
Hello Paolo, it will soon be available.

May 21, 2018, at 11:19 am
I want this book in English.

Vikrama Aditya Tomar
June 3, 2018, at 8:59 am
Thanks, Narayan. We will try to make this book available in English.

August 13, 2018, at 4:10 am
I need this book in Hindi. Can anybody send the address of availability in Delhi?

November 16, 2018, at 7:13 am
Please email me when this book is available. I received Kriya from him, my darling one.

January 9, 2019, at 12:04 am
Hi, is the book available? Can you please send me the PDF?
Can you please send me the PDF of the English version?

March 10, 2023, at 5:34 pm
Hello, how could I possibly acquire "Secret of Kriya Yoga"? I know it was recently translated into English.
Thank you!

Sudeep Chakravarty
April 6, 2023, at 1:14 pm
The book is now available. Please visit:

