We feel immensely blessed to catch a glimpse of our Master on special occasions. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has deprived us of physical contact with him for the past five months. I deeply miss those penetrating eyes and his tender touch that fills me with an indefinable and inexpressible ecstasy. I bow down to him for pointing me toward the Source and remain prayerful at his holy feet to guide me eternally.
Words fall short to express the benevolence of Gurudev and the entire lineage of Kriya Yoga Masters who have been merciful enough to select me as one of their devotees, despite my own feelings of unworthiness. On this special occasion, I humbly offer a collection of his words spoken on the eve of his 70th birthday, celebrated on August 20, 2019, at Kalyaneshwar Mandir, for the interest of all Kriyabans of the Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission.
Gurudev's Teachings
1. The Nature of Self and Identity
"Though I was born in December 1948 (as recollected), I was embodied only on August 20, 1949. Then who is more relevant—the body identified as Sudhin Ray, whose birthday you are celebrating today, or the jeev (soul)? Therefore, try to know the real without getting identified and mesmerized by images."
2. The Paradox of Light and Darkness
"Guru is darkness. It may sound shocking as you all consider him to be Light only. However, if you observe closely, light signifies the absence of darkness, and darkness signifies the absence of light; therefore, the two are not opposites but complementary. The presence of one implies the absence of the other. Hence, do not run away from darkness but be the Light. Dissolve into darkness, for only then can you see that eternal light in the darkness."
3. The Role of the Guru
"You cannot force your desires through your Guru. He is neither for nor against your wishes. He is not an authority but only shows you the path that would be most beneficial to you. To walk or not to walk on it is completely your choice."
4. Unity with the Guru
"I am bound to visit the house of such a disciple who is no more separate from me."
5. The Practice of Kriya Yoga
"You need not tell your visions or progress to your Guru. He can understand by simply looking at you or by observing your behavior pattern. Hence, practice Kriya regularly and devotedly."
6. The Wisdom of Silence
"It is important to understand when not to speak. A good Kriyaban knows when to speak as well as when to remain calm and reticent."
7. Humility in Self-Assessment
"If you think you are not progressing, then it is good for you. At least you are not overconfident and will do what is essential for progress."
8. Universal Association
"You must associate with one and all, for no one is evil. Being self-engrossed and self-enclosed in Kriya is not ideal for any Kriyaban. You must not forget that whatever you do must be good for one and all."
9. Understanding the Guru's Words and Actions
"You should try to understand the words of your Guru and also follow his behavior pattern, as it is not essential that he shall answer each and every query of yours."
10. Self-Reliance in Seeking Answers
"Before putting any query to your Guru, try to know the answers on your own. A sincere Kriyaban, who practices Kriya regularly and devotedly with the right understanding, must be able to know all the answers on his own."
11. The Ideal Disposition
"Be innocent like a child but be brave and wise as a man."
---By Saket Shrivastav