Guru Purnimaa 2023 Discourse by Gurudev Dr. Sudhin Ray

Guru Purnima 2023

Gurudev’s Speech in Bangla

English Translation of Gurudev’s Speech

Amidst this sweltering heat, your willingness to hear about Kriya Yoga is truly admirable. My Gurudev (Shri Maheshwari Prasad Dubey) often mentioned that during winter, the practice of Kriya happens seamlessly; however, in the summer, practicing Kriya presents more difficulties.

The techniques of Kriya that you’ve received, which Lahiri Baba shared with the world, can bring results if practiced consistently. Lahiri Baba also mentioned that when someone regularly practices Kriya or similar techniques, their willpower can become so strong that they can accomplish impressive things on their own.

Sometimes, I’ve had discussions with my Gurudev about whether practicing certain techniques and spiritual practices actually bring about any meaningful results for the practitioners. I’ve questioned that any outcomes depend solely on a person’s mental state, which is influenced by their three “Gunas” (qualities of nature), making it a subjective experience rather than a universal truth. This led me to think that not everyone might need to be given the specific “Kriya” technique.

In response to my doubts, Gurudev explained that the people who seek initiation into the “Kriya” practice are not ordinary individuals. Their interest in yogic practices has not developed suddenly; instead, it is rooted in a deep longing for personal growth and the liberation of their souls across multiple lifetimes. This enduring desire is what drives them to continuously seek out these techniques.

Lahiri Baba has explained how spiritual evolution or salvation can be achieved through Kriya, emphasizing the significance of Pranayama techniques. He believed that by practicing Pranayama correctly, individuals could observe changes within themselves.

Pranayama involves extended and rhythmic breathing cycles. Its purpose lies in harmonizing the divided aspects of our life force or “prana.” By birth, our prana resides in Brahmarandhra, divided into five components: pran, apan, vyan, samana, and udana. Regular Pranayama practice accumulates and unifies these divided aspects. The ultimate goal is to reach Brahmarandhra, where prana becomes stable.

Prana exists in two states: restless and stable. Restless prana gives rise to desires and thoughts, while stable prana enhances willpower and consciousness. Consistent Pranayama practice aims to attain this stable state. This state enables individuals to distinguish between restless and stable prana, leading to better self-awareness.

Lahiri Baba encourages all practitioners of Kriya to strive for this state. Once achieved, individuals experience fewer obstacles. However, the attainment of this state depends on an individual’s dedication, faith, and devotion.

We are born with a mixture of positive and negative qualities. We often find ourselves drawn to negative aspects, perhaps because we doubt the effectiveness of positive traits. Yet, if we manage to embrace these positive qualities, a cascade of positive changes can unfold.

One day, someone approached me and stated, “The practice of Kriya lacks devotion. I find greater joy in sitting before an idol, engaging in worship rituals, and performing my puja. This brings me immense happiness.”

Indeed, this happiness is understandable, as it is imbued with the power of Maya—the illusory nature of existence. Maya exerts its influence due to our transactional approach to the divine, wherein devotion is pursued for personal gain. However, a profound transformation occurs when an individual progresses along the path and establishes in Kutastha. Gradually, the practitioner begins to witness their own illuminated form, progressing to perceive a triangular shape representing the interplay of the three Gunas (modes of nature). With unwavering focus, the seeker may even glimpse Para Prakriti—the ultimate power of the divine.

Fundamentally, attaining a state of presence in Kutastha has the potential to enhance one’s willpower, but the actual outcome depends on the practitioner’s individual endeavors. Many individuals express a longing for the Grace of the Guru. In this context, ‘Grace’ signifies establishing firmly in Kutastha. Consequently, under Guru’s grace, various powers spontaneously arise within the practitioner. The term ‘Guru’ refers to the ‘Para Prana’—the vital force behind all life forces, as affirmed by the Upanishads: “Sa U Pranasya Prana,” signifying the one who embodies the very essence of life itself. Gradually, this essence starts to reveal its manifold manifestations.

Furthermore, some practitioners become so consumed by devotion through their connection to Kutastha that surrender becomes automatic.

The insights I have shared today encapsulate the essence of Kriya Yoga. Each person should introspect their current state and seek guidance from his Guru, asking, “Please enlighten me about my circumstances, the obstacles holding me back, and the path to further advancement.” Those who carry these inquiries within them will naturally discover the answers and attain a state of grace. I will conclude my words as the temperature is causing discomfort to many gathered here. If you have queries related to Kriya, feel free to meet me or call me, as my responses will be tailored to your situation. Remember, your journey is unique to you.

HIndi Translation of Gurudev’s Speech

मैं देख रहा हूँ कि किस प्रकार आप लोग इस भीषण गर्मी में भी क्रिया योग के बारे में कुछ सुनने के लिए बैठे हुए है । मेरे गुरुदेव (श्री माहेश्वरी प्रसाद दुबे) अक्सर एक अच्छी बात कहा करते थे कि “शीतकाल में क्रिया का अभ्यास अच्छा होता है, गर्मी में क्रिया का अभ्यास करना अधिक कठिन होता है”।

आपको जो ये क्रिया पद्धति मिली है, जिसको लहिड़ी बाबा ने जनमानस के साथ साझा किया है, यदि इसका नियमित रूप से अभ्यास किया जाए, तो इसके द्वारा उचित परिणाम प्राप्त किए जा सकते हैं। लहिड़ी बाबा ने यह भी कहा कि जब कोई व्यक्ति नियमित रूप से क्रिया या इसी तरह की पद्धतियों का अभ्यास करता है, तो उनकी इच्छाशक्ति इतनी मजबूत हो जाती है कि वे इसके द्वारा आश्चर्यजनक काम कर सकते हैं।

कभी-कभी, मैं अपने गुरुदेव के साथ क्रिया योग को लेकर चर्चा किया करता था ” कि क्या वास्तव में क्रिया योग आदि पद्धतियों के अभ्यास से किसी का कल्याण हो सकता है ?”। मेरा मानना था कि किसी व्यक्ति को साधना का परिणाम केवल उसके मानसिक स्थिति के कारण ही मिलता हैं, जिसमें उनके तीन गुणों का विशेष प्रभाव रहता है, जिससे यह साधनागत अनुभव उसके स्वयं के होते है जो सर्वसामान्य के लिए एक समान नहीं हो सकता । जिस कारण मैं उनसे पूछा करता था कि सब को क्रिया योग दीक्षा देने की आवश्यकता ही क्या है ।

इसके उत्तर में गुरुदेव ने कहा था कि जो लोग तुम्हारे पास दीक्षा के लिए आते है वो साधारण लोग नहीं है, उनकी योग साधना में रुचि अचानक नहीं आई है; बल्कि यह उनकी आत्मविकास के पथ पर अग्रसर होने और मुक्ति की गहरी इच्छा के कारण है, जो कई जन्मों की उनके खोज को परिणाम है जो उनको बार बार इस पथ पे खींच लाती है।

लहिड़ी बाबा ने कहा है कि क्रिया के माध्यम से आध्यात्मिक विकास या मुक्ति संभव है, जिसमे उन्होंने प्राणायाम तकनीकों को महत्व दिया है। उन्होंने कहा है कि प्राणायाम को सही तरीके से अभ्यास करके, व्यक्ति, स्वयं में होते हुए परिवर्तनो को देख सकता है।

प्राणायाम का अर्थ साँस-प्रश्वास को गहरा करना है । इसका उद्देश्य हमारे जीवन शक्ति या “प्राण” को स्थिर करना है। जन्म से ही हमारा प्राण ब्रह्मरंध्र में स्थित होता है, जो पांच भागों में विभाजित रहता है: प्राण, आपान, व्यान, समान और उदान। नियमित प्राणायाम के अभ्यास से इन विभाजित पञ्च प्राणो को ब्रह्मरंध्र में एकत्रित किया जाता है दूसरे शब्दों में प्राणायाम का अंतिम लक्ष्य ब्रह्मरंध्र में प्राण को स्थिर करना है ।

प्राण की दो अवस्था है : स्थिर और चंचल । चंचल प्राण के कारण इच्छाएँ और विचार उत्पन्न होते है, जबकि स्थिर प्राण इच्छाशक्ति और चेतना के प्रति सजग कराता है । नियमित प्राणायाम का उद्देश्य चंचल और स्थिर प्राण के बीच की भिन्नता को पहचानना है, जिससे हम बेहतर आत्म-जागरूकता हो सके।

लहिड़ी बाबा, सभी क्रियावानो से इस स्थिति की प्राप्ति के लिए प्रयासरत रहने के लिए कहा कहते थे । एक बार यह स्थिति प्राप्त होने पर, बाधाएँ स्वतः कम हो जाती हैं। हालांकि, इस स्थिति की प्राप्ति, व्यक्ति की समर्पणशीलता, श्रद्धा और भक्ति पर निर्भर होती है।

हम सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक गुणों के साथ जन्म लेते हैं। मानव होने के नाते, हम अक्सर नकारात्मक पहलुओं की ओर ज्यादा आकर्षित होते हैं, शायद इसलिए कि हम सकारात्मक गुणों के प्रभाव की प्रभावशालीता पर संदेह करते हैं। हालांकि, अगर हम सकारात्मक गुणों को अपनाने में सफल हो जाते हैं, तो जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तनों की एक प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ हो सकती है।

एक दिन, किसी ने मेरे पास आकर कहा, “क्रियायोग में भक्ति का कोई स्थान नहीं है। मुझे तो मूर्ति के सामने बैठकर उसकी विधि पूर्वक पूजा करके ही अधिक आनंद प्राप्त होता है।”

पूजा में आनंद का अनुभव होना स्वाभाविक है, क्योंकि यह भी माया शक्ति के अंतर्गत है। माया शक्ति का प्रभाव इसलिए रहता है क्योंकि हम प्रभु से कुछ चाहने-पाने की अभिलाषा रखते है । हालांकि, जब कोई व्यक्ति निर्विकार होकर साधना मार्ग पर आगे बढ़ता है तो वह कूटस्थ में स्थिति प्राप्त करता है, थोड़ी स्थिति पक्की होने पर उसको स्वयं के सूक्ष्म शरीर के दर्शन होते है । धीरे-धीरे उसे एक त्रिकोणाकार आकृति दिखाई देती है, यही उसके तीनो गुणों की स्थिति है । अच्छी तरह से ध्यान केंद्रित करने पर साधक को आगे परा प्रकृति या योगमाया के भी दर्शन होते है ।

मूल रूप में, कूटस्थ में स्थिति पक्की होने पर व्यक्ति की इच्छाशक्ति का विकास होता है, लेकिन यह स्थिति साधक के व्यक्तिगत प्रयासों पर निर्भर करता है। कभी कोई आकर कहता है “गुरुदेव कृपा कीजिये”। यहां , ‘कृपा’ का अर्थ ‘कूटस्थ’ में स्थापित होना है। परिणामस्वरूप, गुरु की कृपा होने पर यह स्थिति आती है और साधक के भीतर स्वतः ही विभिन्न शक्तियाँ उत्पन्न होती हैं। ‘गुरु’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘परम प्राण’—जो सभी के प्राण है , जैसा कि उपनिषदों ने कहा है: “स उ प्राणस्य प्राणः ,” अर्थात जो इस चराचर जगत का प्राण है । इस स्थिति की प्राप्ति के बाद कोई संशय शेष नहीं रहता है ।

कभी-कभी ऐसा भी देखा जाता है कि किसी साधक की कूटस्थ में स्थिति होने पर वह भक्ति भाव में इतना डूब जाता है कि उसका समर्पण स्वयं ही हो जाता है ।

आज मैंने आपके साथ क्रिया योग की मूल बातें साझा किया है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपनी वर्तमान स्थिति का आत्म-मनन करना चाहिए और फिर अपने गुरु से मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करने के लिए ऐसे प्रश्न पूछने चाहिए , “कृपया मुझे मेरी स्थिति के बारे में ज्ञान कराये, मेरे साधना में प्रगति क्यों रुक गई है, मैं और किस तरह से आगे बढूं , कृपया मुझे उचित मार्ग दिखाकर प्रेरित करें।” जो साधक इन प्रश्नो के साथ आगे बढ़ते हैं, उन्हें इनके उत्तर स्वतः प्राप्त हो जाते है और गुरु कृपा को प्राप्त करते है ।

बढ़ता हुआ तापमान सबके लिए कष्टकारक है इसीलिए मैं अपनी वाणी को अब विराम देता हूँ । यदि आपके पास क्रिया से संबंधित प्रश्न हैं, तो मुझसे आकर मिले या टेलीफोन के माध्यम से संपर्क करे , क्योंकि मेरे उत्तर आपके लिए आपकी परिस्थितियों के अनुसार होंगी, जो सर्वसामान्य के लिए नहीं है।

2022 Guru Purnima Celebration at Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission


Guru Purnima is an important festival for all the Kriyāvāns. According to the scriptures, it is also celebrated as Vyas Purnima – the birthday of Vyas deva. Purnima, or a full moon day, is a symbol of completeness. On this day, the disciple can realize completion by offering their lotus heart at the feet of the Guru. The day of Guru Purnima is a rare opportunity to meet the Guru and cover oneself with the showers of his blessings.

This year (2022), on July 13, Wednesday, Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission celebrated the festival of Guru Purnima with great vigor. Due to the pandemic, the Guru Purnima festival had not been celebrated publicly for the last two years. But this year, by the grace of Gurudev, all the devotees and Kriyāvāns got the fortune of Guru Darshan. This year’s Guru Purnima was organized at Jai Krishna Library, located in the heart of Uttarpara, Kolkata. As July 13 was a working day, the ashram management decided to have the ceremony from 4:00 P.M. onwards so that the office-going devotees could get the privilege of getting the darshan of our Gurudev without hampering their regular work routine.

The volunteers of the RYKY mission responsible for decorating the conference hall, reached the venue a few hours before the commencement of the ceremony. A few volunteers were also standing at the main gate of the venue so that devotees from far away may not face any problem finding it. The ashram management had ensured that all covid-related protocols like mandatory wearing of masks and seating arrangements were followed properly.

Gurudev arrived in due time. The program began by lighting the lamp by Gurudev and garlanding the picture of Param Guru Shri Maheshwari Prasad Dubeyji. Along with Gurudev, other devotees also offered flowers to the image of Dubey Baba. After this, the devotees of the mission recited Guru Vandana and Vishnu Sahasranama.

Next on the agenda for the day was the most awaited activity for all devotees – offering the lotus flower at Gurudev’s holy feet. Once Gurudev took his seat on the stage, the devotees queued up to offer flowers and other offerings at Gurudev’s holy feet and receive his affection and blessings.

After the Gurupranam, Gurudev released the English-translated version of Param Guru Shree Maheshwari Prasad Dubey’s book – ‘Kriya Yoga Rahasya’, which is an instrumental source of inspiration for all Kriyāvāns. The English translation of this book has been done at the request of all the devotees who are not proficient in either of the languages – Hindi or Bangla. ‘Kriya Yoga Rahasya’ is already available in Hindi and Bengali, which devotees can procure from the RYKY mission volunteers.

In addition to this, the ninth digital edition of the mission’s mouthpiece – Anweshan, was also launched.

In the next leg of the program, events like devotional songs, violin recital, and a magic show kept the devotees mesmerized. Many Kriyāvāns took this opportunity by coming to the dais and sharing their thoughts related to Kriya, which Gurudev greatly appreciated.

At the end of the program, Gurudev gave a discourse on Kriya Yoga. After this, there was a Q&A session where devotees asked Gurudev some questions related to Kriya, each of which was answered by Gurudev.

Finally, the ceremony concluded with the distribution of refreshments between 6.30 pm to 7 pm.


On the request of several kriyabans of Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission, Gurudev Acharya Dr. Sudhin Ray appeared live on the Facebook page of Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission from 10:30 am to 11:15 am to convey his message on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima, that was different this year with no kriyaban remaining in physical contact of Gurudev (due to onslaught of Corona pandemic) but only having his virtual proximity, thanks to the generous efforts of Dr. Oindri Ray, the younger daughter, and disciple of revered Gurudev.

At the very outset, Gurudev invoked upon Guru Shakti flowing through this Guru Parampara to getting endowed upon all kriyabans for which he sought the blessings of all Masters of Guru Parampara. Elaborating on the significance of practicing kriya on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, Gurudev stated that a kriyaban has the opportunity to ascend to higher plexuses on Guru Poornima too, just like any other day, with the only difference being that such ascent would be more rapid and perfect as one would feel the Guru Shakti more precisely this day, which remains intense on Guru Poornima. However such realization of Guru Shakti, which helps seeker in his upward journey, is proportionate to the tanmatras present in him with his practice of kriya too varying with the degree of tanmatras.

The one, who practices kriya diligently by using his intellect, definitely reaches a commendable state of kriya. In this respect, it is to be noted that the two principal elements viz ahankaar (ego) and buddhi (intellect) arise from Antahkaran and that from ahankar element (ego) arises mann (mind). Intellect gets manifested/expressed in two ways viz prakritigata or innate/inborn/natural way and chaitanyagata or aware/awakened/conscious way. It is difficult for persons using intellect in an innate way to becoming chaitanyagata but those using it in a fully aware/awakened/conscious way under the effect of Guru Shakti have a totally different realization.

It is because the right understanding does not come to sadhak who practices kriya by using innate intellect and therefore does not realize much. On the other hand, one practicing kriya by using awakened intellect in a perfect and peaceful manner becomes Gurumay, that is gets attuned with Guru Shakti and realizes Gyan and bhakti as enunciated in Bhagawat Gita (by Lord Krishna) in Gyan and Bhakti Yoga distinctly. One having known Gyan and Bhakti comes to know the various stages of Kriya Yoga that he has advanced through by way of kriya practice which makes him realize the mode of functioning of Prakriti or Evolution that he finds similar for every creation and therefore keeps advancing/progressing that way. Gurudev stated that those who have practiced kriya or would be practicing kriya on this day of Guru Poornima would definitely be having a different realization besides coming to understand how kriya yoga enables man in awakening inner vision for understanding and/or realizing Gyan and Bhakti through the essence of Guru Shakti.

He said that on Guru Poornima we all try to attune with that Guru Shakti that remains splendid and intense this day.

After his inaugural address, Gurudev asked kriyabans to put questions, if any, to which the following questions popped up on the screen that was then read out by Dr. Oindri Ray and accordingly answered by Gurudev:

Q1: বাবা ক্রিয়া করা কালীন তো দেখা হচ্ছেই, কিন্তু কবে দেখা হবে, বাবা? — Amitava Dutta
Master, though I am meeting you during kriya but when shall I be meeting you personally?

Gurudev: [If you can see the jyoti (light) during kriya for which you have been initiated into, there is no need for any physical vision as the latter is not eternal. The Atmajyoti that you visualize during kriya is eternal as in that jyoti itself lays everything, which appear to be arising from and dissolving into the same. The vision of Atmajyoti is therefore important and ultimate.]

Q2: বাবা কি ভাবে দৃঢ় সংকল্প হওয়া যায়? — Suraj Saha
Master, how can one make his determination firm??

Gurudev: [Determination gets swayed either by memory or imagination. While memory pulls the man into his past, imagination pushes him to the future with him hardly staying in the present. Determination becomes unsteady under the influence of samaskaras. One should drop the ( past) memories as determination gets firm only in the present for which one’s intellect has to be pure.]

Q3: বাবা, ধ্যানের মধ্যে ক্রিয়া দীক্ষা হয় না? কবে আবার সামনা-সামনি দেখা হবে, জানা নেই তো ? — Jayita Sengupta
Master, doesn’t kriya initiation happen in dhyana? Actually it’s not known when I shall be meeting you?

Gurudev: [Dhyan is a supreme state where everything is in equilibrium (samyabhav) while remaining related and dissolved into the Universal. Therefore in that state, kriya initiation can take place- in fact, everything is possible in the state of dhyana.]

Q4. এই কঠিন পরিস্থিতিতে কি ভাবে মন শান্ত রেখে ধ্যান করা যাবে ? —Oindri Ray
In this trying time, how can one meditate by keeping his mind calm and peaceful?

Gurudev: [Mind becomes restless due to desires and such restlessness breeds anger, violence, and other vices. Such a restless mind can be stilled only through the practice of kriya. Kriya alone makes the mind subtle that then becomes calm, still and peaceful with its energy manifesting and bringing all states under the control of the sadhak. Such state of sadhak is termed sthithpragya or samyavad (in kriya) when sadhak is no more perturbed by disturbances and/or happenings on the surface.]

Q5. গুরুজী ক্রিয়ার কোন স্তরে দেহ বোধ বিনাশ হয়ে আত্ম বোধ জন্মায় ?– Subhankar Panda
Master, in which stage of kriya does body consciousness drop to pave way for awakening of soul consciousness?

Gurudev: [While practicing kriya, one must not lay too much emphasis on the stages of Kriya. It is because the very aim of Kriya is to transforming the mind from its gross to subtle state that depends on the degree of tanmatras in a sadhak. If a sadhak can ascend from his lower prakriti (innate nature) to the higher state of mind through the practice of kriya (in whatever stage he belongs to) he becomes urdhagami and with his mind becoming urdhagami everything comes under his perception and/or control.]

Q6. Can I mentally chat on?
Gurudev: Actually the mind is empowered to chat with everyone and therefore you can chant mentally.

Q7. ক্রিয়া আর তন্ত্র সাধনা কী একসাথে করা যায়? —Abhijit Kr Saha
Can one practice kriya and tantra sadhana simultaneously?

Gurudev: [Joto mot, Toto poth- that is, there are as many ways as there are faiths. However, all paths lead to That- One. You should understand that you have been shown that path by Gurudev, which is right for you depending upon your tanmatras and your physical and psychological constitution. However, if you wish to follow both the paths, you must ask your Gurudev whether you may advance on both the paths (of kriya and tantra) simultaneously.]

Q8. Guruji, while doing kriya sometimes I experience a state where I am feeling very pleasant but lose all sensations like the feel of my fingers, limbs, even breathing, etc. This happens anytime during various stages of Kriya. It takes a lot of effort and focus to come out of this state. I feel not to come out of this state as it is very pleasant but there is fear also as what will happen since all feeling of senses is gone. What to do in such a state? Should I remain in that state as long as possible or should I continue with Kriya steps rather than remaining in that state? —- Ambarish Kumar Verma

Gurudev: [This is a natural phenomenon for all (sincere) kriyabans and in such a state one should simply observe and feel that pleasantness in absolute silence and stillness. Actually being in that blissful state or pleasantness is the ultimate-Satchitananda. Then there is no problem.]

Q9. তন্মাত্রায় কি বিবর্তন ঘটে ? – Abhijit Mita Sengupta Does improvement occur in tanmatras?

Gurudev: [With growth of intellect, improvement in tanmatras comes to the realization of sadhak.]

Q10. বাবা আমি কি ধ্যানের মাধ্যমে আপনার সঙ্গে কথা বলতে পারি ?– Satya Priya Ghosh Master, can I communicate with you in dhyan?

Gurudev: [Of course you can, provided you actually reach that state of dhyan, for in that state you no longer remain separate from me. In other words you enter the dimension of Universality (samyavad), the ever equilibrium state, where there is no duality- possible only when you have truly renounced all physical and/or worldly possessions/attachments and/or identifications to become one with the Universal.]

Q11. কুন্ডলিনী শক্তি জাগরণ কি অপরিহার্য? রাজ যোগ বা ক্রিয়া যোগে কি কুন্ডলিনী জাগরণ ঘটে? –Dipan Kumar Nayek
Is it essential to awaken Kundalini Shakti? Does it get awakened by practicing Raja Yoga or Kriya Yoga?

Gurudev: [Kundalini Shakti or the serpentine energy doesn’t get awakened in all human beings. Kundalini Shakti gets awakened only in those wise men who by virtue of their efforts, determination, patience and intellect receive His grace to ascend into that unknown dimension and hold on to that energy whence after that they perform all tasks for which they have been born. Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhansadev says that awakening of serpentine energy alone is not the aim of life. If only when one desires and strives to serve the people, Mahamaya would awaken that energy in him at the right time.]

Q12. বাবা আমি কি করে বুঝবো যে আমি ভুল ক্রিয়া করছিনা ? –Satya Priya Ghosh
Master, how can I understand that I am not practicing kriya incorrectly or improperly?

Gurudev: [If by practicing kriya, you are deriving Ananda, then you may assume that you are not practicing kriya in an incorrect or improper way.]

Q13. How can I know that I am practicing kriya properly?

Gurudev: [Conflict is the root of all vices and lust. By overcoming such lust you would know that kriya is happening properly.]

Q14. Even after knowing there is nothing else than my atma, atma mei ishthirtha nahi hoti; bar bar vikshep hota hain plz explain — Yuktesh Subedi
Master, despite knowing that I am nothing else but Atman I do not get stabilized in Atman with such stability getting disrupted again and again. Please explain.

Gurudev: [Atmabodh or realization of the self is the ultimate. If one realizes self, then no more questions would arise.]

Q15.তম্মাত্রা – কী সূক্ষ্মতার একক ? Sandhya Saha Ghosh
Is tanmatra a unit/measure of subtlety?

Gurudev: [Everything starting from the body to mind to natural qualities has its subtle state. However tanmatras (roop, rus, shabd, sparsh, gandh) are qualities of the physical and are combination of both the gross and subtle states and therefore they are not unit/measure of subtlety.]

Q16. Gurudev Daya Karo Dino Jane!
Master, kindly share your grace on this helpless soul!
Gurudev: [This is actually expression of the one who is in total communion with That and is therefore bound to receive His grace.]

Q17. অহংকার আর কনফিডেন্সের মধ্যে তফাৎ কি ? Saurabh Pal
What is the difference between ahankaar and confidence?

Gurudev: [While ahankaar (ego) sourced in Antahkaran is responsible for creation, confidence is its expression/manifestation and therefore there is no difference as such between the two. While confidence is Purushukar (prowess) whose application is towards truth, application of ahankaar (ego) is towards falsehood.]

Q18. ক্রিয়ার পর কিছু সময়ের জন্যে নো মাইন্ড স্টেট আসে সেটা কি ভাবে ধরে রাখা যায় গুরুজী ? –Subhankar Panda
After practicing kriya, no mind state arises for a short while; how can I hold on to that state for long?

Gurudev: [Everything has a frequency and so has the mind. When mind is still, it has a different frequency but under the influence of indriyas frequency changes that transforms the mind automatically from its subtle to gross state. Hence unless indriyas are completely under control or check, it would not be possible for a sadhak to stay long in the state of no mind.]

Q19. দীক্ষা নেওয়া পরে যদি ক্রিয়া ঠিক মতো করতে না পারলে কি ক্ষতি হবে?— Subrata Mukhopadhyay
If one cannot practice kriya properly after getting initiated, would it be then harmful?

Gurudev: [Kriya should be practiced daily as directed by Lahiri Mahasay. However, Lahiri Mahasay has said that in case of people busy in their professional lives, especially those involved in the service of the public, Gurudev himself as well as Masters of Guru Parampara and/or Bhagavan practice their share of kriya. But then such kriyabans must have the earnest desire of practicing kriya and reaching the proper state and/or Truth but due to lack of time are not able to do so.]

Q20. গুরু ছাড়া কি মুক্তি নেই ? Abhishek Debnath
Is there no salvation (Mukti) without Guru?

Gurudev: [Guru is essential- and he is within you. The one whom you see in physical form is just the guide who shows you the path (to that Guru). Once you become Gurumaya and have Gurugyan, that is realization of the self, you become one with Guru. Therefore you have to understand it for yourself that whether Guru is with you or Guru is in front of you.]

Q21. আমাদের শরীবে যে captive air কী প্রান বায়ু? তম্মাত্রা সম্পর্কে একটু বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করুন৷ Sandhya Saha Ghosh
Is the captive air within our body prana vayu? Please enlighten on tanmatras.

Gurudev: [Practice pranayama sincerely to know for yourself what prana is as mann, prana, atman are all words that none knows. When prana enters Brahmarandha, then alone you would know whether such prana vayu is captive air or not and only then you would be able to understand tanmatras and their transformation in you.]

Q22. বাবা, ক্রিয়ার পরাবস্থা আর সমাধি কি এক জিনিস ? Sankarshan Narayan Deb
Master, are Kriya ki Parawastha and Samadhi identical?

Gurudev: [While Samadhi is samyabhav (equilibrium state), Kriya ki Parawastha is the journey from samyabhav to turiyabastha. It has to be understood by visualization.]

Q23. বাবা, দর্শন কবে হবে ? Shiva Nath Jha
Master, when shall I have your darshan?

Gurudev: [Darshan is happening continuously. If only you feel and like to have it, you would definitely have it as you have that power.]

Q24. গুরুদেব আমি এখনো বুঝতে পারছি না কি প্রাণায়াম হচ্ছে কি না…কি করে বুঝবো যে প্ৰাণায়াম হচ্ছে ? — Surendra Shaw
Master, I still cannot understand whether pranayama is happening or not. How can I understand that Pranayam is happening?

Gurudev: [You will understand that pranayama is happening when it will start happening on its own (without your effort) with your respiration getting stopped and you basking in Ananda or the blissful state besides realizing that someone is getting the pranayama done through you.]

তুমি গুরুদেব, তুমি পরমব্রহ্ম

তুমি গুরু দেবতা, সত্চিত আনন্দ।

বিরাজিত তুমি নাথ,অখন্ডামন্ডলাকারে,

তোমা পদ হেরি প্রভু ব্যাপ্ত চরাচরে ।

তুমি গুরুদেব…

এ নিবিড় তমসাতে তুমি সাথে আছো নাথ, উন্মোচিতে জ্ঞান দানী অজ্ঞানেরে দাও সাথ,

তুমি ব্রহ্মা তুমি বিষ্ণু, পিতা মহেশ্বর তুমি,

তুমি আমার পরম ব্রহ্ম,প্রনমি-আSভূমি।

তুমি গুরুদেব..

জ্ঞান শক্তি সমারুঢ়, তত্ব মালা বিভুষনে,

ভুক্তি মুক্তি প্রদান করি পার করো সকল জনে,

তুমি গুরু জগদগুরু, তুমি নাথ জগন্নাথ,

সর্ব ভুতে তুমি আছো, তোমা পদে প্রণিপাত।

তুমি গুরুদেব…

ব্রহ্মানন্দে জ্ঞানমূর্তি,দ্বন্দের সেথা নাহি ঠাঁই,

গগন সদৃশ প্রভু, দাও সবে জ্ঞানপূর্তি ,

তুমি মাতা পিতা তুমি, সখা তুমি তুমি জ্ঞান,

বিদ্যা তুমি ধ্যান তুমি জুড়াও সবার প্রান।

তুমি গুরুদেব…

ভক্তি দাও শক্তি দাও, শুদ্ধ করো চিত্ত মোর পবিত্রতা দিয়ে প্রভু কাটাও এ নিশিঘোর ।

তুমি গুরুদেব…।।

শ্রী শ্রী গুরুপূর্ণিমার পুণ্য দিনে মহাবতার বাবাজী, যোগীরাজ শ্রী শ্রী শ্যামাচরণ লাহিড়ী বাবা,শ্রীশ্রী পঞ্চানন বাবা, শ্রী শ্রী নিতাই বাবা, শ্রী শ্রী দুবে বাবা,আমাদের পরমারাধ্য গুরুদেব ও পরমারাধ্য। গুরুমার শ্রীচরণে কোটি কোটি প্রণাম জানিয়ে সমর্পিত হোলো আমার এই ক্ষুদ্র প্রচেষ্টা, শ্রী গুরুবন্দনাকে বাংলায় রূপান্তরের কোটি কোটি প্রণাম নেবেন বাবা, কোটি কোটি প্রণাম গুরুমা… প্রদ্যোত

The above beautiful poem written by one of our kriyabans was read out which is a salutation to all Gurus of our Guru Parampara. Gurudev expressed his delight at such devotion of kriyaban having surrender bhav which is but a feature of unconditional devotion. Through practice of kriya unconditional devotion (without cause) arises and conditional devotion (for cause) recedes.

Q25. গুরুজি আমার প্রণাম নেবেন. আমি জানতে চাই যে ক্রিয়া যোগ কি মানুষ কে ঈশ্বরের কাছে পৌঁছে দিতে পারে.? নাকি ক্রিয়া যোগ শুধুই একটা পদ্ধতি যেটা মানুষকে তার নিজস্বতা এনে দিতে পারে. এর সাথে ঈশ্বর আর কি সমন্ধ. ঈশ্বর কে পাওয়ার জন্য ক্রিয়া যোগ কতটা সাহায্য করে.. যদি একটু বলেন.. Soumalya Roy
Master, please accept my salutations. Can you please tell me whether Kriya Yoga is just a science or technique for self realization or does it help in leading man to God? How is self realization related to God and how far Kriya Yoga helps in attaining/knowing God?

Gurudev: [What generally is understood by God/Ishwar/Bhagavan is but manifestation of that pure, eternal knowledge and wisdom combined with pure sattva gunas that the realized masters have known for themselves and disseminated into the world for the benefit of all. It is extremely important therefore to work for knowing on your own whether such manifestation really takes place. Else the question always remains that whether one would gain anything or not by traversing a path or doing some work, but then there is no respite from doing.]

Q26. বাবা, মানস ক্রিয়া কি? Satya Priya Ghosh
Master, what is Manas Kriya?

Gurudev: [Jaap, dhayn are all manas kriya. The aim of Kriyayoga Rajayoga is to transforming the mind from its gross to subtle state by eliminating the influences of indriyas on mind.]

Q27. বাবা, ক্রিয়া করার পর যদি কিছু দেখতে না পাই, তাহলে কি ক্রিয়া ঠিক হচ্ছে ? ..Pamela Mukhopadhyay
Master, if after kriya I am unable to visualize anything, then is my kriya proper?

Gurudev: [Having visualizations/darshan after kriya is actually related to desires but simply desiring would not lead to darshan. One has to understand the knowledge of darkness which would then help one in having the darshan as desired.]

Q28. Kriya practice is going very well. But I am unable to do khechari even after 2 years of practice. My tongue frenulum has torn multiple times due to talavya practice, but not much progress made. I am a little bit frustrated with this for the past few months. Rajesh Jha
Gurudev: [Folding the tongue inside the palate cavity (so as to protrude it to vyom chakra) alone is not Khechari. Khechari is a stage that happens when breathing stops automatically and one is in the state of no-mind. Therefore you must not give pressure on your tongue unnecessarily.]

Q29. Baba, does past association influence present activities? Vasant Patel
Gurudev: [It is a common thing. If you practice kriya diligently, such influence would go away automatically. Therefore try avoiding such thoughts.]

Q30. Guruji, what is the relation between kriya and kundalini? Is it necessary to awaken kundalini for every kriyaban to self realize oneself or can one attain or do atmasakshatkar through kriya? — Yuktesh Subedi

Gurudev: [By doing kriya regularly you would understand and feel one day what Kundalini is, which is the circular force ascending from lower to higher chakras and/or plexuses.]

Q31. বাবা, ৬ বছর থেকে তালভ্য করছি, কিন্তু খেচুরি হচ্ছে না ..Sankarshan Narayan Deb
Master, I am practicing talavya kriya for the last six years, but khechari is not happening?

Gurudev: [You should not worry so much about it nor about anything else. Instead you should become sthir (calm, still and balanced) by practicing kriya with a pure mind, intellect, patience and determination as Kriya Yoga is not the practice of certain postures and/or techniques alone but the science of becoming balanced or sthir. There have been sadhaks who have known the Truth by entering the desired dimension, even without khechari.]

Q32. বাবা আমার গুরুদেব নেই আমি ধ্যান করতে বসতে চাই কিন্তু ধ্যানে বসতে পারিনা একটু অস্বস্তি বোধ হয় কিছুক্ষণ বসার পর ঠিক থাকিনা — Chorantan
Master, I have no Guru. I want to sit for meditation but cannot settle down as after sitting for a while I feel disturbed or distracted

Gurudev: [Many a time physical and psychological anxieties make man disturbed making him thus unable to remain calm and balanced. Gradually one may try to overcome such anxieties.]

Q33. আমি চেষ্টা করি রোজ নিয়ম করে ক্রিয়া করার ।কিন্তু ক্রিয়া করার সময় মনে হয় কিচ্ছু হচ্ছে না। এই ক্রিয়ার জগৎ জেন আমার থেকে অনেক দূরে। কেন এমন হচ্ছে বাবা।–Sanghamitra Saha
I always try to practice kriya daily but while practicing kriya it seems that nothing as such is happening. This world of kriya appears to be far away from me. Why is it happening, Master?

Gurudev: [The one who desires to practice kriya properly would have such feelings (of kriya not being proper). But then if you practice kriya diligently on a daily basis as any other routine affair, such questions would definitely disappear.]

Finally, Gurudev stated that since there are many stages of kriya and kriyabans belonging to such stages have different questions, the answers to such questions would be given individually (over the phone) and not on a common platform like this. He also apprised about the launch of the 3rd edition of Ashram’s digital magazine ‘Anweshan’ on Guru Poornima and appealed to all kriyabans to go through it and share their views as the same would motivate, delight and enrich the ones involved in the publication of the magazine. He also appealed to the kriyabans to share their write-ups and/or articles as it is expected that they would express their understanding, realizations, wisdom, and/or intellect for the benefit of all.

This list of questions and answers has been compiled with the inputs from our Kriyabans; Saket Srivastava and Dipanjan Dey

At The Lotus Feet Of My Holy Master

Gurudev Dr. SUdhin Ray

On the eve of Guru Purnima, this 27th day of July’2018, this writer has hardly anything to offer to his Guru except his deep love for him since the entire being of this writer, as he is, and all his worldly possessions acquired till date are that of his Guru’s and therefore surrendered at his holy feet! Revered Gurudev having taken extreme pity on this writer had initiated him into Kriya Yoga on the 3rd day of July’2016 a desire that this writer cherished since 2009 after falling in deep love/communion with Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasay after viewing his world-famous image and reading few of the available books on him. Since initiation, this writer has regularly been visiting his Master’s home or ashram for hearing his Master’s holy words apart from sharing his own experiences. Accordingly few excerpts of those holy words have been reproduced below as this writer’s humble offering to his Gurudev on this Guru Purnima:

1. Always motivate everyone to realize his highest potential; never demean anyone for demeaning is very easy and extremely wicked; every man has the potential to realize the Truth; Truth that he, as he exists, is Pure Consciousness/Pure Joy/Pure Love that unfortunately remains hidden by clouds of ignorance produced by his own false identifications/mages, that is, ego

2. To live moment to moment that is living just in this moment- that is not riding on the past while remaining in this moment or contemplating about future while remaining in this moment; to be blissful every moment; to be blissful now, that is this moment, for the entire time is in this now for you do not know any other space of time; only if you are blissful now, that is very this moment, will it be possible for you to remain blissful in some other space of time

3. Be wise; for wisdom and cleverness are not identical though nowadays people are found to be clever but not wise; wisdom is realizing that you are the master of this body-mind that is physical body, astral body, and mental body and never are all these three your master in either individual or collective capacity though at times you may have felt each one of them exercising its authority upon you; whereas cleverness is the art of getting one’s work done propelled by self-interest without knowing the self for whose interests the work is being done

4. To have only the minimum ego required for holding this physical body and dropping all ego of the astral and mental bodies since all ego are false that arises out of false identifications/ images that gather around a man in due course of his upbringing by the society

5. Never attempt at controlling anger, lust, greed, lethargy or envy for all methods of control are different forms of suppression which in turn is a form of violence- tacit and latent- that ultimately will do more harm than good to the individual; the only way to overcome these vices are by simply and directly observing the vices since their very inception; observation that is absolutely pure with no interference of thought- thought either of the matter observed or of any other matter and such observation being not mounted on past but observation of the very moment of the generation of anger, lust, greed, lethargy or jealousy and watching the same till its end for no thought can fully be controlled/overpowered by another thought however powerful the latter may be

6. To be Gurumay and know your Guru

7. Practising kriya regularly with full devotion in Gurudev and Lahiri Mahasay and remaining in the parawastha of kriya- a state reachable only after deep and sincere practice of kriya not describable in words but only subject to realisation- and then doing all sundry works by remaining in that state of Kriya ki Parawastha- for all works done from that state are nishkam karma

8. Being kind, loving and affectionate to everyone you meet; at the same time carrying the essential temperament for discharging your worldly duties either at the ground level or from some position of authority but never accumulating any malice deep down the heart with an intention to avenge or harm someone in future- that is MEJAJE THAKBE, MONE RAKBHE NA

9. Never engaging in any sort of competition with anyone (especially kriyaban) for each one will get results according to his own actions; instead focussing only on one’s own actions and practising kriya consistently and faithfully to have the fruits of kriya; except in emergency circumstances kriya should be practiced regularly two times a day as directed by Gurudev

10. Not expecting anything from anyone- not even from someone whom you consider to be the closest- for no one on this earth is as close to you as you yourself are- but that understanding comes only after realization of the self- till then you may not expect anything from anyone be it physical, mental or financial

11. Not simply believing in superstitions/dogmas/rituals for the sake of believing but always trying to understand the rationale behind the continuity of such belief systems and dropping them if felt unnecessary without making any fuss or engaging in any form of criticism/ condemnation for Lahiri Mahasay and all illumined masters alike have always avoided criticism; in fact they have shown the right Path to the inquisitive seekers and we shall ever remain grateful to them by whose grace we are on this Path

12. Not boasting of oneself by practising Kriya and claiming holier-than-thou as the same will definitely prevent you from delving deeper into this Path as the practice itself is not the Truth but the gateway to Truth and minimum pride in the practice itself will hinder you in realising the Truth; actually the whole gist of Kriya Yoga is stilling the mind/cessation of the mind by stilling the breath (YOGASCHITTWRITTINIRODAH: Patanjali Yogasutra 2)- that is making the body-mind vessel appropriate/fit to receive the ultimate; only a subtle mind can delve deeper into revealing the Truth that can only be known and never be described

13. If someone is wrong or appears to be incorrect in his justifications then always making/putting forth one’s points politely for bringing into picture his said mistakes but never criss-crossing him directly as it may hurt the person and prevent him from expressing himself further which may have something beneficial for all

14. This creation/evolution is very beautiful/lovable but the same can be realized only by remaining in the Parawastha of Kriya because then you will be able to visualize this whole creation coming out of nothingness and vanishing into nothingness and you as a particle of that creation has nothing much to do except discharging your worldly duties playfully and joyfully with no entanglements since all entanglements/identifications/attachments are your own self-created images and not existential; however you will not remain oblivious of your duties since the very duty then will be joy

15. Not showing off one’s wealth or knowledge for all acquired things are earthly and unreal; even those practicing kriya should avoid discussing amongst themselves their experiences as their said experiences may be just mere hallucinations/imaginations and therefore influence others in a wrong way; all such experiences must be shared with Gurudev who only can tell whether such experiences are real or imaginary and accordingly guide such kriyabans in the right direction

16. If for some actions committed in the past one feels guilty/embarrassed the same should never be discussed publicly nor should the doer condemn himself or repent for the same; at most the same may be shared with Gurudev and after deep observation the same may be forgone/ dropped completely with the right understanding for it is never too late to correct oneself on this Path

17. Though sincere kriyabans are always under the sight of Gurudev, visiting one’s Guru at his place or ashram will immensely help the kriyaban as the place where Gurudev stays has immense positive vibrations that will definitely benefit such kriyabans

18. At no cost a householder shall sacrifice his worldly duties for advancing on this Path since his family members remain dependent on him; as such following the example of Yogiraj a sincere kriyaban must maintain a balance between his worldly duties and his duties towards himself that he comes to know after getting initiated into Kriya Yoga

19. Women are the embodiment of love and are Mother and as such, they should be respected and adored by all; it is the duty of all householders especially the kriyabans to respect all women and regard them as their Mother

20. Not accepting anything at face value but questioning all and sundry with reasoning and commonsense and finding solutions to such questions without bothering Gurudev; if one practices kriya faithfully he will get all answers to his questions for all solutions lie hidden in the problems themselves- one just needs the clarity and understanding to notice them; reading lesser number of books and practising more kriya is a surer way to wisdom and Truth as all knowledge acquired from books is borrowed and never self-realised; only a self-realized man is wise as he knows the Truth.

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