Editorial Guidelines

Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission invites spiritual seekers to send their write up or content for inclusion in Anveshan, our newsletter.

We love to receive engaging content that is touching, inspiring, motivating and informative. You can write the way you speak to yourself, speak with your friends, the way you communicate with Guruji. Confident and Fearless! One of the most efficient way to express through words is when someone as old as 6th to 8th standard student can understand you. Don’t be overwhelmed by grammar, spelling and what-would-other-think-of-me.

Suggested  Categories: Please note that this is not a restricted list of categories. You are free to write on any topic that is within the general guidelines.

Guru Lineage

Spiritual Figure: The personality and work of Spiritual Master can be in the form of interview, article or video.

Personal Experience: You can write about your personal experience as related to Kriya Yoga, meeting your Guru, Sadhana enhancing and inspiring incidences, why and how you are on this path and like.

Bhagavad Gita: You can submit your views, part or whole of the discussion with Guruji, about Bhagavad Gita in the perspective of Kriya Yoga as well as in general.

Vedic Scriptures: You can write something from vast body Vedic literature, Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga, Chakras, and Upanishads and related ancient scriptures.

General View about Spiritual Practice: It can be about Kriya Yoga practice in the light of modern science, biology, psychology, health, personal experience etc. It can also be regarding pilgrimage places – general or related with Kriya Yoga. You can write about fasting, Mantra Japa, exercise and other disciplines.

Anything Inspiring and Motivating: In printed version of Anveshan, one can find poems, paintings and many heart touching narratives, submission by kids. Everything is welcome here as well and highly encouraged and appreciated.


General Guidance: 

  1. The write up should be related with Spirituality, Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Devotion, Pilgrimage places, personal experience.
  2. The Write Up or submitted content can be written article, poems, images or even video.
  3. Presently, we can offer content in Hindi, English, Bengali, Spanish and Italian language.
  4. The views presented in the write up are entirely the responsibility of the writer and are his personal views or opinion.
  5. RYKYM offers the right to modify or edit or accept or deny the submitted content.
  6. RYKYM advises not to send copyrighted write up or images. If there is something that is under copyright, please do mention the source.
  7. RYKYM doesn’t offer any compensation to its writers. Their name and short bio can be considered under the published content.
  8. Scientific correlation or representation of Yoga discipline is welcome. It can be psychology, behavioral science, physiology or even medicine.

Some General Guidelines:

  1. Avoid at all cost, sending something that promotes some specific teacher or system or the items with commercial or advertising intent.
  2. Absolute NO to hate, prejudice or biased, derogatory, abusive, racial content.

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